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Welcome, new members! (Please read first)
Thank you for joining the Big Dream Fuel community! Please introduce yourself so that we can get to know you better! There are only a few simple rules: 1. Be positive, thoughtful, and respectful. 2. No blatant self-promotions or solicitations to other members are allowed. 3. All posts must be relevant to the theme of the site. If you do not want to receive DM's from other members, you can easily disable them in your settings. Please join in the conversations and share things that motivate and inspire you. Let me know if you have any content that may be appropriate for sharing with the group in the classroom section. I'm still working on figuring out what to do with this area of the site. We look forward to many future interactions with you! I can also be reached directly at if you have any questions or concerns.
Big Dream Fuel Update
Good afternoon! I wanted to send an update to let you know about my future plans for the Big Dream Fuel community. I plan to convert the Big Dream Fuel membership to a paid plan after we get 100 active members. This will allow the site and community to become well-established prior to the conversion. At that point, I'm looking at a price point of around $10.00 a month. Founding members (the first 100) will continue to have free access to the community. I would appreciate it if you could please add content that personally inspires you, such as quotes, images, helpful links, etc. Also, let me know if you have valuable written content in PDF form that I could consider adding to the classroom section. This would be a great way for you to indirectly promote yourself or your business. As usual, any helpful advice or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick
New comment Aug '23
Welcome New Members!
Welcome to Big Dream Fuel, and thank you for becoming a part of the community! We are just getting started, so new content will be continually added daily. Be sure to introduce yourself when you join. Please help us grow by actively participating in the group, and I look forward to seeing the things that inspire you! Update: 06/21/2013 I plan to convert the Big Dream Fuel membership to a paid plan after we get 100 active members. This will allow the community to become well-established before the conversion. At that point, I'm looking at a price point of around $10.00 a month. I would appreciate it if you could please add content that personally inspires you, such as quotes, images, helpful links, etc. Please don't blatantly promote your business or solicit offers unless someone in the group initiates an inquiry. Also, let me know if you have valuable written content in PDF form that I could consider adding to the classroom section. This would be a great way for you to indirectly promote yourself or your business. As usual, any helpful advice or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick
New comment May '23
You Can Do It!
Now, go forth and conquer whatever is holding you back!
You Can Do It!
A good thing to remember.
"Everything is figureoutable." - Marie Forleo -- This is my mantra for dealing with difficult situations. -- Marie Forleo is an American entrepreneur and the founder of Marie Forleo International. She is known for her advice books Everything is Figureoutable.
A good thing to remember.
1-30 of 137
Big Dream Fuel
A community where entrepreneurs and other people with BIG DREAMS share inspiration, encouragement, and resources.
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