Looking for a friend to make this fun. According to the buff bearded man, who convinced me that this isn't a scam. Successful business people have fun doing business people things. I do not know much about anything but I can tell you this. I do not want to hold up a phone to my face and talked to you like I do. I don't even really want to sit accross a computer and talk to you. I want to design cool things with information and skills that I don't have. I want to build things that only make sense if you have a deep understanding of nature and its infinite wisdom. I would love to design something that I can sell that generates enough income for me to focus on building different version of what we already have with nature lens twist. (Now thats a long, unabbreviated sentence for you. Just letting the stream of consciousness roll. I cringe at the things I write sometimes) I would like this thing we built/design to abide by the laws of nature. Which I remember being around 10. One being, "Nature tends to optimize rather than maximize." Sounds like a quote from Elon but its from a Biomimicry 3.6 booklet. Looking for people, friends, that love nature. That enjoy being a face for people to see. That have ideas and motivation. That can draw. That can build. That enjoy maybe smoking a little something something and dream about what if the world had little more Biomimicry in it. PS: Also just thought about this. What would a circular economy/business look like on the internet?