I was pondering a minute ago (shower thought) about why the focus for this community must be self-care. True, intentional, iterative self-care. It is because we have become acclimated to the toxic environments around us.
And when I say, toxic environments, it could be an actual geographic place, but more often is a person or grouping or dynamic that is toxic no matter where I am physically. It could be an organization that I work with.
And without the brand of self-care that we’re exploring in this community, I can’t know if when I feel icky if it’s me or the situation (a.k.a. Environment). I cannot differentiate the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’ from the ‘worse’ from the ‘worst’ because I am not in tune with myself enough to a) know that I am not the cause of the yuck, or b) know that I am worthy of feeling good and supported and safe
Example- This will resonate with some of you.
I restrict my engagement with my mother.
She won’t mean to, but she’ll say something hurtful and send me reeling: activated, anxious, hurt.
The time recently that we were driving and I shared that I was getting divorced from my kids’ mother this past spring. My mother without hesitation and having known a lot of the precipitating events shot back, “What did you do?”
No. I don’t deserve that. I won’t accept that.
And I don’t. I explained as much in a serious and grounded tone (I’d been working on me, so I could find that in the moment).
So I see her when I am ready, and that’s how I still have her in my life.
Tell me how that sits with you, please.
Where do you say ‘yes’ to yourself by saying ‘no’ to an unhealthy environment?