Wow, the flu had me for a few days. Or something flu-like. But thanks to chiropractic and elderberry syrup that bug is pretty much gone. I won. πŸ˜› πŸ’ͺ🏼 I still sound a bit stuffy, so if we have a call scheduled in the next couple of days I might sound like I'm wearing this 🀿 Please forgive me!
And here's another awesome WIN my client Tristan shared with me a couple of days ago (the best kind of message to get when you're sick – instant pick-me-up!):
Since he launched his new brand:
πŸ”₯ engagement is up 40%
πŸ”₯ reach is up 16%
πŸ”₯ subscribers/followers up 14%
πŸ”₯ average annual client value is up $1000
I mean, hello! 🀩
Time for a rebrand? I shared 6 red flags that it's time for a new logo...
And even just having a brand strategy will help you get the most of your current brand. It's a win all around!
What wins have you had this week?
Pacha Hornaday
Brand Fusion for Chiros
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