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Brand Fusion for Chiros

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192 contributions to Brand Fusion for Chiros
Chiropractic Manifesto
Happy Birthday chiropractic! πŸ₯³ After working with chiropractors for over 15 years on their brands, I noticed a few recurring topics. And I wondered if there's an underlying theme that runs throughout the industry – a similar purpose, a vision and certain core values. But every time I brought it up with my chiropractor friends and clients, I pretty much got the same answer: It sounds like a great idea, but you'll never get everybody to agree on anything. 😏 So I never tried. Until now. Because if you know me, you know my response to "You can't do that." is usually: "Oh yeah? Hold my drink..." 😬 The new brand builder platform we're working with allowed me to speed up the entire process immensely, and really made it possible for me to put this together in record time. The gift 🎁 The result is what I consider my gift to chiropractic. It's aΒ brand strategy for the entire chiropractic profession. I don't even know if that's a thing. I've never seen this done before. The only thing that comes close is the "Got Milk?" and the "Beef, it's what's for dinner" campaigns from the '90s. With Balanced Brand's Vision in mind, I created this document to give new chiropractors the tools to work ON their business, not just IN their business. I call it the Chiropractic Manifesto. It's a 46-page document outlining the Brand of Chiropractic from my point of view. It is meant as point zero for chiropractic communications. This is what everybody SHOULD be talking about. I know that brand strategy is something most small business owners have never heard off, or if they heard of it, they believe it's just something for the big players, the billion-dollar brands. For that reason, I'll be hosting a BRAND STORM session on October 3rd at 11 am ET! Make sure to register!
New comment 1d ago
Chiropractic Manifesto
0 likes β€’ 1d
@Jenene Cherney You can help bey spreading the word about this and the Best of TIC. Thank you! ❀️
Help me build out this RESOURCE! βœ… Submit entries for products or services you think other chiropractors might find helpful βœ… Refer other chiropractors looking for products and services to this resource directory. βœ… Invite companies that serve chiropractors to submit an application to be included. If you have any suggestions about how to make this more useful, please don't hold back!
New comment 1d ago
0 likes β€’ 1d
@Jenene Cherney Thanks for your support! 😘
Tagline vs. Slogan
They're similar but different. Your tagline is directly related to your brand and its core message. Slogans are similar to taglines but they are created around a specific campaign. A brand can have a tagline it uses consistently, and it can also have a number of slogans for various campaigns. Nike is a good example of this. Everybody knows their tagline is Just do it. But over the years they've used many slogans for different campaigns. You can hear the Hero Archetype in every single one of those slogans. They're brilliant! When a campaign slogan is very successful and sticks in the mind of the audience, the brand sometimes adopts it as the tagline, which is what happened with AVIS and their "We try harder" campaign, and it's also what happened with Apple and their "Think different" campaign. Which one is your favorite Nike slogan?
New comment 4d ago
Tagline vs. Slogan
0 likes β€’ 4d
@Jenene Cherney Here's a cheat sheet about what makes a good tagline.
0 likes β€’ 4d
@Jenene Cherney Did you upload a video yet? 😘
How do you want to FEEL?
Mondays are my favorite. I have lots of client calls on Monday which means a lot of talking. But the amazing thing is that I can talk for 2-4 hours straight and while tired, still feel ENERGIZED after. So that got me thinking. I want more of THAT. More of that energy and exhilaration. Then I wondered what else I want to feel more of more often. Here's my list: πŸ”΄ Energized (Exactly the feeling I described yesterday. Excited about my clients and the work we're doing together.) πŸ”΄ Brave (You know the feeling when your heart is beating all the way up in your throat, when you're about to do something BIG that scares you, but you also know that you just have to get it over with, so you can get to doing it AGAIN and it won't feel so bad anymore? Yeah, THAT kind of brave.) πŸ”΄ Grateful (I try to incorporate gratitude into every one of my days. In fact, I set my phone alarm to 11:29 every day [cause it's my birth date], and when it goes off, I think of something I'm grateful for that very minute. However, there are occasions when I feel a very profound and deep gratitude. Something that makes you stop in your tracks and fills you up alllll the way. I want more of that.) πŸ”΄ Proud (That's a feeling that usually comes after overcoming your fear and doing that brave thing from number 2. That "holy shit, I did that!" feeling. You start by being uncomfortable in a bigger box and then looking back at it, nodding your head about how well you have grown into that box. Pat on the back. You go, girl! ) πŸ”΄ Team spirit & community (Being a solopreneur can feel lonely sometimes. Zoom meetings are great, but it's nothing like being in a room with people. I'm a team player at heart. I need my quiet time, but I also NEED the energy of other people around me. I'm ready for more events. And maybe my own retreat or mastermind at some point. ✨) Your turn. How do you want to FEEL for the rest of this year? This is not a to-DO list, but a to-FEEL list.
New comment 5d ago
How do you want to FEEL?
1 like β€’ 6d
@Jenene Cherney Love it! Any ideas of what that bravery would look like?
1 like β€’ 5d
@Jenene Cherney
Take THAT, Friday 13th!
Made my day! The journey is the destination. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ How's your day going?
3 members have voted
Take THAT, Friday 13th!
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Pacha Hornaday
100points to level up
I help chiropractors and other service providers who give a shit add an extra $10-20k a month with integrity, passion, and purpose. πŸ”₯

Active 2h ago
Joined Nov 28, 2023
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