There are two types of cold immersion: Cold Water Immersion(CWI) and Whole Body Cryotherapy WBC CWI, the most popular is simply submerging in a large container of ice cold water with ice. WBC is an enclosed 'pod' you get into but there is no water just cold air. Immersion advocates praise the positive effects such as DOMS reduction, immunity boosts, improved cognition, longevity, improve metabolic function and the list goes on. Yet, because of the wide variability across different populations, there is no single study that can authoritatively say cold therapy is reliable modality for all it is conjectured positive side effects! PRO Great for reducing DOMS CON Can negatively reduce hypertrophy! Its recommend to NOT immerse after an intense training session but some hours after is better. This ensures you don't halt the anabolic (growth) mechanisms CON Due to the shock of the cold which causes vasoconstriction [arteries contract] can pose a threat to those with underlying cardiovascular issues. PRO Enhances mood states due to release of neurotransmitter i.e dopamine, and improves insulin sensitivity CON Risk of hypothermia or cold induced tissue damage from prolonged exposure BOTTOM LINE: Cold is a good tool to have in your training and fitness tool shed but do so with knowing what your intent is[see above] The big takeaway for those who grinding with a resistance training program, is the negative impact it can have on muscle growth if done less than an hour from pumping iron! RECOMMENDATION: Wait several hours before immersion