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🫁 Breathx Underground is happening in 9 days
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is no doubt a dumb question but I’m going to ask anyway 😊 how does Alternate Nostril breathing down regulate your nervous system? If my understanding is correct, one nostril stimulates and the other calms. So if you are using a constant breath for inhale and exhale, wouldn’t you stay as you as you are? Or is it a case of having a coherent breath will bring the nervous system into balance just by balancing the breath? I can understand a longer exhale bringing about down regulation, but haven’t quite got my head around this
New comment 13h ago
Zoom - can’t get in…
Hey!!! I’m on the road currently On my way to the shooting range and cannot get into the zoom link. Just wanted to let you know.
Grief and death
Can anyone offer suggestions: I had a death in the family this week, very important person in my life . I regularly practice the one breath recovery however, I’m struggling, can’t hold for 5 seconds with out feeling like I’m gasping for air.
New comment 6d ago
IRV/ERV Stretch
I’ve noticed when doing the IRV/ERV stretch that when I do anything rotational (as in opening up the thoracic spine), I get a lot of feedback and tightness in my lower back Before I do the stretch I follow the vides to release the lats, pecs, intercostals and open up the thoracic. Is it worth doing a bit of work on opening up the lower back and hips too beforehand? If so are there are mobility drills anyone can suggest that they find helpful?
New comment 12d ago
Password not working
Is the password working for anyone else to watch back the latest zoom call? The Breathing Gears for Endurance video
1-13 of 13
Breathx Underground
Take back your mental, physical and spiritual health through structured breath and ancestral practices. Find yourself, come home to your body, & heal.
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