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🫁 Breathx Underground is happening in 9 days
Journaling Prompts
I’ve recently got more into journaling and was wondering if there were any questions or prompts that people have used to gain more insight into themselves? Or does anyone have a particular breath work practice they like to do before or after journalling? Also, for those that have tried some of the transformative sessions, which practice did you find most beneficial to you?
Assessment Results
Daily Exhale Retention - 35s Max Inhale Retention - 1m 13s Longest Active Exhale - 32s (Mouth) Walking Exhale - 31 steps Walking Inhale - 45 steps Location of Movement - Combo with normal breath and with big breaths but there is definitely more vertical with the big breaths Range of Motion Chest Neutral - 100cm Chest IRV - 102.6cm Chest ERV - 98.4cm I found the location of movement and range of motion measurements quite surprising. I guess a stupid question but where would you start in terms of improving things from here?
New comment 25d ago
test results
I'm not sure where to post my test results....I definitely need work on breathing into the measurements are not that drastic. Holding out breath his very difficult. Walking with the breath is a bit easier for me.
New comment Aug 19
First assessment: k let’s try this again lol
So I recorded myself on my phone front and back and can see that I breath into my chest mostly which I’m usually aware of and stresses me out lol. I notice my shoulders lift a bit and my belly goes out too. So I’m assuming this is all vertical. For my big breaths I tense up a bit and always feel short of breath. My stomach and chest tense up the most. Max inhale: 42.42 Daily exhale retention time: 21:57 Exhale suspension test 48 seconds Walking exhale retention: 16 steps Walking inhale retention: 54 steps Longest exhale test: I felt extremely light headed and felt like I was about to pass out πŸ˜‚ For the measurements: I hope I did this right but for my belly button I got and IRV of 34 1/2β€œ and ERV 33 1/2β€œ For my Ribs I got IRV 32 1/2” and ERV 30 1/2” For my chest IRV 37” and ERV 34 1/2” I know I have to work on this and ready to improve it!! β­οΈπŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ«πŸ’¨
New comment Jul 30
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Breathx Underground
Take back your mental, physical and spiritual health through structured breath and ancestral practices. Find yourself, come home to your body, & heal.
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