Oct '23 (edited) in General discussion
10/11 - Magnesium (Supplement Review)
If you find yourself in daily battles with the amount of stress on your plate, you are likely depleting magnesium very quickly. Because we rarely get enough Magnesium from our diet, supplementing may be a great alternative.
Other benefits of magnesium are:
Higher quality sleep
Decreased anxiety
Improved cognitive function
Decreased migraines and headaches
Improved bone density
Improved recovery
Increased strength and muscle tissue
Improved immune health
I order this off Amazon:
Doctors Best - Magnesium Lysinate Glycinate
*remember supplements should be used to fill holes of what you’re missing. They will not “fix” or “cure” anything. Diet and lifestyle habits are always paramount to improving health.
Bryce Wood
10/11 - Magnesium (Supplement Review)
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