1/11/24 - Day 4 - Fats
Fats are our final macronutrient focus. Remember as you design your optimal plan, the most important part is that you actually enjoy it. As we find your optimal fat level for your nutrition plan, remember that for fats, unlike carbs and protein, 1 gram = 9 calories. So, it is critical that you are precise in your measuring when consuming fats.
As a general rule for finding your optimal fat levels, unlike carbohydrates, there is a minimum level that you'll want to hit. For most people on this, I recommend getting at least bodyweight x 0.3 for your daily gram goal. This means for a 200-pound person, you're aiming for 200 x 0.3 = 60 grams or 540 calories from fat on the lowest end. Having this as your baseline number will make sure that you're taking care of your basic needs from fat (cell signaling, cognitive function, energy, fatigue, libido, skin/hair health, etc)
If you notice any of these chronically suffering, make sure you go back and look at your fat intake. If you are below the recommended baseline 0.3 x bodyweight goal for a considerable time or if your body fat dips too low, particularly if you are on a long-term calorie deficit, you may start suffering any to all of these side effects.
Easy Fats List
Higher Fat Meats (Beef, Salmon, Poultry Thighs, Bacon - anything over 10% fat should be considered a part of your fats)
Dairy (Whole Milk, Full Fat Yogurts, Cheese)
Egg Yolks
Nuts/Seeds (Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds)
Other (Butter, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil)
Remember even if something is considered to be "healthy" it does not necessarily mean that it is going to keep you in your calorie limit. Fats are a more dense calorie source than protein and carbs, so keep an eye on your nutrition fact labels. When eating out, assume that anything cooked will always be higher in fat and calories than if you were to make it yourself.
“Because fats are higher in calories, be sure to choose your sources wisely.”
Action Items
Call to Action
What fat dense sources do I enjoy most?
What fat dense sources are the most convenient for me?
What sources sit best with me digestively?
Do I have a tendency to overconsume on higher fat foods? If so, how can I better limit your intake?
What does my average day of fat intake look like? (list protein & carb sources that contain fats)
1/2 medium avocado = 11 grams
2 whole eggs = 10 grams
1 tbsp of almond butter = 9 grams
Protein Bar = 7 grams
8 oz of 96/4 ground beef = 9 grams
Bryce Wood
1/11/24 - Day 4 - Fats
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