11/19/24 - Day 12 - Stress Management
Regardless of how well you let stress get to you or not get to you, having simple techniques to better manage your stress is also one of the biggest keys to improving your body composition.
Stress doesn't just show up in the form of anxiety, depression, anger, rage. Stress also comes from exercise, low quality sleep, worrying for others. If you wake up the wrong way, you are setting your body into a stress cycle. Now you're late, the elevator took too long, your boss a _____, your co-workers suck, you didn't have time to make food, you're in a rush to get home to relax now because you had a shit day. Now we crave our "fill in the blank unhealthy cope."
If this is the case, you have to realize that we are setting ourselves up to cope because it's the only thing that actually makes us happy. I survived a shit day, now I get to enjoy my cope. If we just take some time to rewrite our script, everything goes a little smoother, and why would I want to cope with something unhealthy? I just had a day full of wins!
Here are 5 simple ways to manage stress better:
  1. Wake up and get out of bed when your alarm goes off.
  2. Spend 5-10 minutes in the morning in gratitude and reaffirm how much you love your life.
  3. Have your meals prepared or meal delivery service ready to go so you don't have think about it.
  4. Journal your thoughts as negativity appears, so you can shortcut why it's happening and what boundaries you want to work on.
  5. Have an evening wind down routine that doesn't involve looking at your phone or watching tv.
If you struggle with feeling stressed all the time, and it negatively affects your sleep patterns. Here are a few of my staple supplements I take at night to wind down so I feel energized when I get out of bed in the morning.
Action Items
  1. What do you do to destress in a healthy way?
  2. Have you caught yourself craving unhealthy ways to cope when you are stressed?
  3. What are some things that almost always stress you out? How could you better identify/boundary/address them?
Bryce Wood
11/19/24 - Day 12 - Stress Management
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