1/21/24 - Perspective - Enjoying the weekends
As I scroll through social media friends, drinks, going out to dinner, football are a very common theme. This becomes challenging to navigate if you’re not intentional about it. Take a step back to be thoughtful about how you want to show up for your elevated self, and not how other people want you to show up.
It’s a challenging endeavor to change gears and start behaving more in alignment for your best self self, not having that extra drink or 4. Not having the apps, the sides, and the dessert.
Knowing the difference between special occasions and a regular night makes a difference. Remember to prioritize celebrating the time you spend with friends and family is usually more important that what you’re ingesting. 🙏🏻
  1. Do I catch myself using nights out to eat and/or drink in excess?
  2. What would it look like if I had healthier food options and limited or removed my alcohol?
  3. Would I be happier tomorrow if I went that route?
Bryce Wood
1/21/24 - Perspective - Enjoying the weekends
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