12/21 - Workout Selection?
Remember that no matter what you want to do for your workout plan, the fact that you enjoy it is the most meaningful for longevity purposes. From my background in CrossFit, I can remember the ideology that if you wanted to lose weight/bodyfat that:
You needed cardio
OR you needed to be pouring sweat
Or you needed to be rolling on the floor from exhaustion at the end of your workout
The reality in this is whatever workout you are choosing, if you are working out for 30-60 minutes, the difference in your calories burned is at max 200-300. The shorter the duration of your workout the smaller the difference. So even if you're pouring sweat, rolling on the floor from exhaustion a very intense CrossFit, HIIT, functional athlete style workout is not actually burning that many more calories than if you were to do accessory work.
The lesson is it is a lot more effective to consume less calories than it is to burn them. If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off, pick a workout routine that keeps you consistent. If you absolutely hate cardio/endurance style workouts, while they do have a lot of health benefits, they are not essential for maintaining body composition.
Do you FEEL like you need to sweat, be exhausted, doing cardio to optimize a lower bodyweight?
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Bryce Wood
12/21 - Workout Selection?
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