2/15 - Discipline in Routines
Routines in life are what help us establish new behaviors. Whenever we have vision to change our outcomes, we need to set new daily/weekly repeatable actions in place to start moving the needle. The challenging part of this is that because the actions are out of our normal routine, they can often be the first to get put to the side.
OR we go the opposite direction and obsess over every detail of how circumstances need to be perfect. Remember that perfection isn't and shouldn't ever be the goal. When we are creating new routines, it's important to find a rhythm to it. More importantly for sustainability, we need to allow flexibility so we can allow for life to happen.
The key to being successful, is to gain momentum in our daily habits. Being able to fit our new routines into our busy lives, is the challenge. Giving ourselves grace to fail, and not give up on our goal is how we succeed.
  1. What is the newest routine that you've implemented towards your growth?
  2. What struggles did you find in implementing your routine with consistency?
  3. What rhythm did you find in establishing to it's best part of the day for you?
Bryce Wood
2/15 - Discipline in Routines
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