3 Day Fast Experience
Hey all! If I may, I’ll go on a slight tangent and share a recent diet/health related experience.
I did a 68 hour fast earlier this week, Sunday evening to Wednesday evening. It just so happened to be during this program. Overall I did it for health benefits, a test of mind and spirit and lastly, to shed some body fat.
Day 1 - easy peazy. I added some electrolyte powder to my water. I actually taught some drum lessons for 5 hours and felt fine.
Day 2 - a little more difficult. I had 2 cups of bone broth, 1 lunch and 1 dinner. This helped because it had 10g of protein and was 45 cals. Ultimately not terrible. Little activity other than some cleaning around the apt.
Day 3 - woke up feeling great! I could have gone longer but I knew I had to break it to get back to life. I’m pretty sure my body was in ketosis, burning fat for energy as opposed to glucose (carbs).
I made sure to give myself a 5-6 hour window of refeeding so that’s why I didn’t do the whole 72 hours.
The hardest part was properly refeeding. I started with some avocado and olives - felt great. A bit later had some grilled chicken - felt great. Next, honey dew melon - still good. Then I got cocky and made a shredded chicken wrap. The wrap had 15 grams of carbs and too many ingredients and I started feeling…inflamed. It was like a mild inflammation headache - not the end of the world but not pleasant.
Next day I finally worked out again, had limited energy but felt good, started eating proper again. I did wind up down around 6.5 lbs from Sunday evening. Mainly showed around my obliques and upper abs.
If I were to do it again for that long I would have a much more solid refeeding plan. Reintroducing carbs requires a bit of patience. The body isn’t used to using them as a fuel source so it’s a bit of an insulin and enzyme shock to the system if brought in too soon and worse if processed. At least that’s according to a YouTube deep dive on breaking a fast said. By all means do your own due diligence.
I may try a 24 hour next month which I’ve done before and is much more manageable - I broke that fast with a burger from Crossroads no problemo.
Anyway, thanks Bryce for letting me disappear for a moment and share the experience! Questions and shared fast experiences welcomed.
Steve Kentala
3 Day Fast Experience
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