7/24 - Life Changes
Hi all, I just wanted to check in and let you all know that in accordance to following the course of what the universe is telling me, we decided to move to Austin for the next 6 weeks.
It is a firm belief of mine that we all need to lean into trying difficult things in life, not being afraid to fail, and pursuing your dreams. After trying on LA, I felt we were in strong resistance, and didn't feel like I was progressing how I wanted or able to follow through on my pursuit of what "My Worthy Future" truly is.
Have you ever felt like you were doing something just to "prove" or "show" someone other than yourself that you could do it? That's where I was heading in LA and it didn't feel natural anymore. I understand why it's the hub for ACTORS. This is the energy that I felt. I was acting like I belonged instead of knowing that I don't need to.
After arriving in Austin, we have felt more at home. I realized that I want to lean more into the energy I'm pursuing and want to emit instead of the stuff I've gotten attached to.
We are less than a week away from Competition 2 now.
Where is everyone in their pursuit right now? Let me know how you're feeling, and what support you could use!
Bryce Wood
7/24 - Life Changes
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