9/15 - Site purpose and functionality
I'm so excited to get this program truly off the ground. If you are new to the app or have been on for a while. I want to show you some ins and outs of what I have going here.
Our "Community" page works very similar to a singular click Facebook page. I love this because it allows you to not get dragged down by all the negativity and scroll distraction of some social media. I want to keep content fresh, engaging, useful, and to the point.
As we progress into this, you will see:
Daily workouts
Nutrition tips
Mindset work
Product reviews
and anything else you would like to learn, share about.
My goal is to make this an engaging community, so please engage with me. You also have message button if you have questions or comments that I am on all day for. Help me grow this site, and allow it to be part of your daily routine.
If you click on "Classroom" you have access to my 7x7 book as well as a new book that I am creating right now on how to not just look the way you want, but how to integrate that into your life in a way that allows you to have more joy in all areas of your life.
Comment or message with anything you'd like to see more of. Today is day 1 of my commitment to posting every day!
Bryce Wood
9/15 - Site purpose and functionality
Your Worthy Future Community
Your Worthy Future is your home for creating long term health. Through training, nutrition, and mindset work, we develop programs to optimize you.
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