LIVE on day ONE w/ codingoblin
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1 member
LIVE on day ONE is a mindset. A mindset that separates you from 99% of people. A mindset that forces you to take action. A mindset that turns you into a winner. A mindset that makes you dangerous.
It's the mindset that transforms you from procrastinator to producer.
That great idea you've had. For a website, for a YouTube channel, for an Instagram page. Imagine if you had launched it on the day you thought of it. How much traffic would you have by now? How many users would you have by now? How many followers would you have? This is what the LIVE on day ONE mindset it about. Getting a version of your product LIVE on the first day. Getting that ball rolling.
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LIVE on day ONE w/ codingoblin
Does it take you weeks to build projects? Do you lose motivation and end up with unfinished projects? Let's change that...
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