My goals for LIVE on day ONE
As mentioned in my welcome post. LIVE on day ONE is about reaching huge levels of productivity. Its about not putting things off. Its about taking action. Going LIVE on the first day.
So what exactly am I going to be demonstrating in this group? Well I'm going to be living by this mind set, and showing you the results. I'm going to be building on the internet. Specifically building websites and building a solid following.
So I want to take you along for the journey.
The plan is to grow this group (obviously) - but I want to continue growing my YouTube channel. And the way I'm going to do both of these things is just by taking action. By being consistent. By posting.
I think there is so much to be said for thinking less and doing more. If you struggle with procrastination, a lack of motivation, or just not knowing where to start. Get involved in the community. This group is free (for now). Members who join before the cutoff date will have free access forever.
So get involved, let me know what you want to achieve by leaving a comment. And I look forward to seeing your growth and helping in any way I can!
John Simeone
LIVE on day ONE w/ codingoblin
Does it take you weeks to build projects? Do you lose motivation and end up with unfinished projects? Let's change that...
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