Welcome to the Live on day 1 group! This group is about reaching major levels of productivity. How do we do this? By going LIVE on day ONE!
The point of this group is to make sure we finish any projects that we start. If you constantly find yourself starting new projects but not finishing them, this is the group for you.
My name is John - you are probably here because of my codingoblin YouTube channel or website. I mainly work on coding projects using technologies like WordPress, Laravel, Vue.js, Nuxt, TailwindCSS, Tailwind UI & DaisyUI. But the LIVE on day ONE principle applies to all aspects of life and all project types.
I used to find myself starting new projects constantly but never finishing them. I would start building a website with 100% motivation, then somehow 3 weeks later I would still be building it. I realised that this was because I was focussing my energy on tasks that were not important. Such as branding, and intricate design details. The reality is that there is no point focussing on fine details if that means you never complete the project or make it live. I changed my focus from creating the perfect website to getting something live as soon as possible. My current attitude towards new projects is that I have to get a version of the website live on day 1...
This attitude shift boosted my productivity drastically. Something happens to your brain when a project is live. You start to realise what is actually important. In terms of websites, it's not the padding around a div. It's not the colour of your logo. It's not the animations. You realise that as long as the page is presentable and the content is clear, that's all that matters. You can always make design changes in the future.
You could apply this principle to creating a YouTube channel or any social media page. There's no point having a great idea for a YouTube channel, and spending 3 months thinking of all the great videos you could create. You're better off just making a video on DAY ONE and posting it.
The fact of the matter is, the sooner you go live, the sooner you can be discovered. Whether this is a website being discovered by Google or your Instagram page being discovered by users. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can find out if you have made something that people are interested in.
Leave a comment on this post to introduce yourself and let everyone know what sort of projects you create or are going to create TODAY!
John Simeone
LIVE on day ONE w/ codingoblin
Does it take you weeks to build projects? Do you lose motivation and end up with unfinished projects? Let's change that...
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