Write something and Live Chat Capabilities is a free platform that allows you to seamlessly integrate a chat bot with situational awareness of what to say, what to ask, or how to present itself based on the online status of the site owner/employee. While taking calls from your site and participating in business development efforts, there is an opportunity to sit and monitor, live, your website traffic and speak with your avatars about what brought them in, answer questions they may have, things of this nature. It also looks like it manages other platform conversations in an organized format, if desired. Finally, the service itself offers 40 hours of VA support from (what seems to be) better than expected backgrounds or potentially trained in excess of an resource for 7.50 hourly. I threw it up on my website if you're interested in how it looks, Hope you're all off to a strong start this week, good luck.
New comment Jul 9
Anyone want to talk about their business right now?
I have been in Dad mode all day, but I finally have time to stop for the day. If anyone has a minute and wants to talk about their business, let me know! I likely can only take 1 tonight but I'd like to talk to a member today!
Weekends Off
Hey everybody! I've been super excited to be meeting and talking to you guys 1 on 1 about your businesses over the past week. If you and I haven't talked yet, let's talk on Monday! I try my best to reserve my weekends for family time, so I won't be very available for long talks this weekend.
Welcome to the spot! It's pretty bare bones right now, but I'll fill it out as we go. I've never run a community, and I'm not a course or info product guy so there's gonna be alot of mistakes, I just like talking to people who own businesses about their businesses and helping them identify and eliminate their current constraint to growth! So go ahead and post about your current business in the "Introduce Your Business" Tab. I encourage you to be as detailed and transparent as you are comfortable with (maybe a little more than that lol 😅) so we can jam about your business, identify what the problem is, and work on the solution together!
1-4 of 4
Build Your Business
Limited to 10 for now. Only join if you actively want to work/take action on your current business constraints and help others with theirs in a group
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