Bring Your Book Alive
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30 members
Many leaders have an inspiring book inside them - even a "bible" for their niche! - but feel like it's impossible to dedicate the time to write and publish one that you're proud of.
I wrote and published two books (and am writing two more now...) that sold hundreds of thousands of copies, while growing a family from 0 to 10 kids, and running a business of dozens of employees.
So I know something about how to create high quality books that in the midst of a heavy load.
There is an audience (your customers and prospects) that would love and value your book, no matter how many other books are out there.
Notice how every year, new cookbooks are released? There will never be enough cookbooks, because there are always changes in cooking and food, new niches, new insights and new personalities. The demand for cookbooks will only grow.
The same is for business & revenue books - the best ones are yet to be written, and the future needs more of them - including yours.
Bring Your Book Alive
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