My Boss Humiliated My Coworker, Need Advice
I work in a retirement community, and my boss doesn’t always act like a good manager. She only gives attention to specific resident groups, doesn’t seem to allocate funds fairly, and more. But the other day, she took things to a new extreme. During a staff meeting, she showed the recent work of a coworker of mine, who is incredibly sweet by the way, saying “who wants to tell me what is wrong with this.” This wasn’t constructive feedback. It was meant to embarrass my coworker, made her feel bad, and wasn’t necessary in front of everyone. My boss tried to act like this wasn’t a big deal after, but it came off as hollow. To make matters worse, my boss showed my work and said this is the new standard. After that, she assigned all future projects like that to me. So she tore down her subordinate, gave me more work, and has made everyone really uncomfortable. What should I do?
Evelyn Schulman
My Boss Humiliated My Coworker, Need Advice
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