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Q&A/Community Update is happening in 4 days
Following your gut....
In life and business, we often face decisions where the "right" answer isn’t always clear. While data, advice, and logic all play critical roles, there’s one element that sometimes gets overlooked—our gut instinct. There are moments where logic might tell us one thing, but deep down, we feel pulled in a different direction. Ignoring that gut feeling can sometimes lead to missed opportunities or poor decisions. In my experience, success is often tied to having the courage to trust your instincts, even when others might disagee. To clarify, following your gut doesn’t mean acting recklessly. It’s about understanding yourself—your values, your strengths, and your experiences—and letting those guide you when the path forward isn’t obvious. This intuitive sense is something that can be sharpened over time, especially when paired with reflection and learning. Whether you’re trying to make a sale, start a business, or navigate a tough conversation, your instincts can serve as a compass. If something feels off, it’s worth pausing and reconsidering. On the flip side, when something feels right—even if it doesn’t make perfect sense in the moment—it’s worth exploring that further. I've had this effect the way that I make sales many times. There's a fine line between pushing someone away, and pushing them towards committing to your pitched items/solution. Sometimes it's worth it to push too far and lose a sale in an effort to learn where that line truly lies. Everybody has their own techniques for selling, and learning where the boundaries fall best in your technique, and your field, is immensely important to maximizing sales. It's important to learn how not to get too excited for or committed to what is a bare minimum sale, that could have been something more. At the end of the day, trusting your gut is about believing in yourself and your ability to navigate the unknown. If you combine that trust with thoughtful action, you set yourself up for a more authentic and fulfilling journey, both personally and professionally!
New comment 2d ago
Upcoming Events
Hey everyone! Excited to share the upcoming events for the next two weeks—mark your calendars! Monday, Sep 16 @ 6:30 PM: Join us for a live Q&A session. This is a great chance to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on shaping the future of our community. Wednesday, Sep 18 @ 7:00 PM: We’ll be featuring a Member Spotlight with @Simon Kinsinger! He’ll be sharing his journey from studying biblical studies to becoming a financial advisor. Simon will also dive into key insights about his industry and hard-earned lessons that could benefit us all. Monday, Sep 23 @ 6:30 PM: Another Q&A is on deck—don’t miss out! Wednesday, Sep 25 @ 7:00 PM: Stay tuned for our next Member Spotlight—details to come! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Record Breaker
I’m only about a week late in posting but I have been busy from dawn to dusk after the political campaign that I’m working on won its election by over 72%. This win absolutly shattered the former state record for a statewide primary election victory. Now on to November 5th.
New comment 4d ago
This is Your Community, Let's Make it Better Together
This community may be less than 3 weeks old, but it's already building its own character. Now, it needs your insights and more core members to grow stronger. Comment below with 1 idea for improving the community, and tag 1 person you believe would benefit from joining us!
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New comment 11h ago
Relationships and business
Good morning everyone, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our meeting from last night. A key takeaway for me was truly figuring out who you are and why. I think this is important for both yourself and the people around you. I say this because as a financial advisor, a lot of times we can be looked at similar to the way a car salesman is looked at, and for good reason too. That is why I enjoy sitting down and talking with people to hear their story, figure out who they are, and what their why is. A lot of times, that can almost be as rewarding as the services that I offer for the people that I meet, because most people don’t care to ask the why questions. That can make the difference in closing business in any industry, and it is about actually caring for both the people you are serving and the service that you are offering. I hope this encourages someone to ask the why questions in their circle and on that note, have a great Thursday!
New comment 13h ago
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