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Lesson plan?
Hey Don, thanks for accepting me into the group. Would you like to talk about one idea I just thought of? Guys getting started in construction may already know how to read a tape. How about offering some way to be helpful on the job? I remember being assigned to cut blocks or special studs out of random. Measure a block, draw a square line, grab the saw, cut a block. Pull out tape and repeat. Slow and boring. I learned how to layout multiple pieces, and cut a bunch at one time... My productivity improved. I got to keep working. Do you like my suggestion. Would you like to chat and develop more ideas? If yes: ~ Like my comment ~ Message me I've been inspired to dig into ways more experienced Skool members help us newbys. Create great content, post it, get likes and feedback. This gets us attention and grows our group. This is my effort to create content that gets that response from you. How am I doing?
Carpentry and construction
I am a contractor with over 30 years in the construction field. I am here to help diy homeowners and new hire construction workers find their way in the remodeling and construction world. I would like to start my group by teaching easy ways to learn to read a tape measure. Join my group let’s get started
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