31 members... Time to start the community calls
Boom. Growth.
So far we've got 31 chasers.
This have been a little slow regarding community, networking etc... Since I'm still trying to get my feet on solid ground.
The chasers companion course is now ready and it'll be released next friday, meaning I can now re-focus my energy on creating content for the community, getting more people involved and starting up events.
So, next week we're going to have our first community call.
Thursday at 4PM Irish time.
Hopefully this will work for most of you, if it doesn't I do apologize, it won't always be at this time.
There won't be an agenda, we'll just hop on a call to introduce ourselves, have a chat about whatever is on our minds and hopefully get some value from it.
Really looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better.
Not forget to set a reminder...
See you then,
Louis Crowe
31 members... Time to start the community calls
chaser collective
A place for out-of-the-box thinkers to reach their own version of freedom by exploring the path less taken.
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