Jun '23 (edited) in Announcements
How to get the most out of this community:
We're all here because we want something.
Nobody's trying to hide that fact.
I've been a part of plenty of communities (free and paid)...
There's one thing that has really stood out to me:
You only get out what you put in.
For that matter, I highly encourage you to:
  • Write posts to give opinions, ask for help, introduce yourself, share ideas, share resources
  • Comment on other peoples posts with your own insights
  • Message other members of the community to get to know them
  • Watch the courses and read the content I create (I put a lot of work into it)
  • Give me feedback on what you like, what you don't like and any ideas for the community
  • Share the community with your family & friends, anyone who might be interested
Most importantly:
  • Have fun
I now challenge you to write a post or comment on someone else's.
Louis Crowe
How to get the most out of this community:
chaser collective
A place for out-of-the-box thinkers to reach their own version of freedom by exploring the path less taken.
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