Day 1 - Wisdom Wednesday
Our community kick off starts with some Wisdom! The best of this hits with quotes. Everyone resonates with certain quotes in some way or another and the good ones stick. Here it goes:
"Without struggle, there is no progress" - Frederick Douglass
I have this tattooed on the right side of my body. I got it when I was 16. It has a flower with a dead pedal, then another flower above it in full bloom. Just because one pedal is dead and brown, doesn't mean the whole flower has to go down with it. Pretty deep for a 16 year old to come up with this analogy. I honestly kinda forget that I have this tattoo and what's crazy is it hits so much harder now as an adult and it's something I've been trying to remember as I go through my life of building a business now.
I want to set the record straight that I'm completely happy and content with my life and what I have created. However, on the flip side... I am struggle bussin' HARD trying to get my Coach Bryleigh business going and this quote has been a great reminder that struggle is what we all have to go through in order to get the best results in the end. Learning how to push through the struggle and celebrate the small wins daily is what makes us move forward. This is what keeps the flower in bloom.
If you know me, you know I'm extremely good at fitness. I have been my whole life. Everything fitness comes extremely easy to me. Because of that it's almost like I was expecting my business to just become super successful over night and come easy just like my fitness does... man was I wrong. Building a business is fucking HARD, but that's what makes it so fun. I'm learning SO much and we gettin' there day-by-day!
This platform and everyone that has joined the group so far has been a reminder of just how much progress I have made and I can't thank you all enough for being here!
So, I hope you can resonate or put this into good use for something going on in your life right now or if you have another quote that's resonating with you that you feel like could benefit the group on this fine Wednesday - please share below!
PS. I don't know if these will all be this long, but I wanted to put a backstory to this quote and give an example of how I resonate with it so you can all do the same. Real life examples help people relate even more and put it into their own that makes sense for them, so I hope this helps gives you some motivation to find your small win in whatever it is you're struggling with!
Bryleigh Hansen
Day 1 - Wisdom Wednesday
We support your goals in life's various dimensions through goal-setting, mutual accountability, mindset shifts, and personal growth and fitness focus.
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