Write something
Today is Tuesday 1/23/24 and I'm embarking on what I feel like is such a great experience to create a community of like-minded people who at the end of the day, just want to be happy, stress less and create a life they enjoy. This community is meant to inspire you, challenge you, make you think and create an improved mindset, create habits, unlearn bad thought processes, make you laugh, challenge your body in quick challenges (this one will be fun!!) and last but not least, help you make new friends (we all know that's a hard task as an adult haha) Everyone in this group will be uplifting and encouraging to all members who join and help celebrate everyone's small wins because celebrating the small wins are what helps boost motivation and excitement to wake up the next day and do it all again, but even BETTER! Each week will have themes and I'm quite stoked on it honestly!🤩 Here they are: -Max Monday's -(ok, so Tuesday's are still in the works as what I want to call them, but rest assured this will be figured out by next week!) -Wisdom Wednesday's -Just a thought Thursday's -Five minute Friday's -Something Saturday's -Silent Sunday's There's your glimpse at what the future holds for the structure of the group and everything that's about to come! Please participate and comment and do all the things to make this the best group it can possibly be! STOKED YOU'RE HERE!!!!
New comment Apr 22
Spread too thin..
Hey everyone - Hope you are all doing well! I am hopping on here to 1. apologize.. I have not been able to make this something for everyone to enjoy and look forward to being on every day. I didn't have a clear vision for this group and had high hopes it would come by now, but it just hasn't.. I found myself trying to build too many things at once and this got pushed down on the list of priorities and then I catch myself feeling guilty I haven't been putting the time or effort in that the group needs and deserves. Because of that, I will be deleting this group until I can gain some ground on other priorities, I'm sorry! It will be shut off tonight in a few hours. and 2. to tell everyone thank you for wanting to be a part of something I created and keep a lookout for things in the future and if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out!
New comment Jun 9
Happy middle of the week day! Today I want to share a quote you may or may not have seen before, but a friendly reminder that you should make everyday a growth day. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." – Abraham Lincoln I was on a sad path of circles for many years of working M-F and then going out on the weekends with some workouts sprinkled throughout the days. This was the constant. Nothing changed. The only thing my head would tell me, was 'get through today, the weekend is coming' and by the definition of society, the 'weekends' are the life in our years. Over the last few years, I have changed my perception on what a majority of the world deems as 'life' and gave it my own definition. I was living too much by what other people saw as 'fun' and 'happy' and 'living' and the more we do that, the more we lose ourselves. So, today - I want you to think about what that definition is to you, what does the last half of that quote mean to you? Because at the end of the day, YOU and your thoughts are the #1 thing that can truly add real value to the meaning in life. WHAT DOES LIFE IN YOUR YEARS MEAN TO YOU?
New comment May 23
We are nearly done with the first 5 months of the year. Where are you with your 2024 goals? When was the last time you did an update or checked back to make sure you are still in line with those? Did you set out for 2024 goals?! What are they? For today's Max Monday, check back in with those and let us know if they need updated or if you're still on the right path to seeing those out as we hit the midway point to the year! For me - I marked a big fitness one off already which was fun! Next fitnessy one is getting into GRID shape before July! -- Outside of fitness, my biggest one is my Life Coaching Business and building that. This will be my first full year of being on my own and doing strictly Life Coaching. It has definitely not grown as quickly as I thought it would, but we are still moving in the right direction and when I checked my goals for this, it came down to getting my socials up to par and giving information to people that is helpful for them. So, I have been setting a posting schedule to get this done and hopefully attract some new people to my pages and blocking out certain days of the week to dedicate strictly to making the content itself! It's been the biggest road block so far because I'm not confident in my speaking skills yet to make videos where i'm talking haha so, that's the road block I'm currently breaking down! I want to know where your 2024 goals are so far this year and what the biggest block is that you're currently working to break down!! Happy Monday - have the best start to the week!
New comment May 23
Fitting Skool in?
Does anybody have a way of keeping this group or app top of mind? I'm new to Skool in general (thanks Hormozi!) but would love to browsing my groups instead of social media - I would love tips or tricks to use this app in the every day or to make it fun... right now I get an email every week or two and that's when I remember to check it...
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We support your goals in life's various dimensions through goal-setting, mutual accountability, mindset shifts, and personal growth and fitness focus.
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