Five Minute Friday
Happy Fridayyyyyy🥳
For our 5 minute Friday - we are going to lean towards the journaling side of things. Many people replied yesterday talking about mindset and learning to navigate through some of that stuff would be helpful. So, for today - here is my challenge to you. Take 5 minutes.. (or longer if you can and need) and write down your 'WHY' ----(this took me months to clearly define, so if you're not a journal'er 5 minutes is a good start)
So many people go through the day-to-day just being robotic and on auto pilot. (I was a sucker of this for many years) my 'why' was essentially non-existent.
Once you can clearly define your why and start reminding yourself of it multiple times a day, not only does motivation start creepin' in more regularly, discipline does as well. Having this engraved in your head every day helps you want to do and say the things that are only aligned with the 'why'. It makes the small things that don't actually matter in the long run easier to get passed and focus on the bigger picture. It helps you stay on track of reaching your goals and also helps you go to sleep at night knowing you did everything in your power that day to be the best you you could be. And the best part is... is once you start getting used to living your day-to-day around your 'why', it encourages you to wake up and be excited about the day knowing you're aligning yourself around that!
*This takes a lot of time and effort, it doesn't happen over night or even over the period of a week/month... this takes months and months and for some years. So, the better you can define it, the easier and more useful it will be*
Bryleigh Hansen
Five Minute Friday
We support your goals in life's various dimensions through goal-setting, mutual accountability, mindset shifts, and personal growth and fitness focus.
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