Silent Sunday
Happy Sunday guys - I hope you are all enjoying your day and getting the most out of it you can with the 1 less hour we have!
During my 'silent time' today on my 10 mile bike ride - per usual I got thinking about our Skool community and how it would make sense to niche down and I think Troy hit it on the head with the business side of things and molding that with limiting mindsets or false beliefs in ourselves/working through the road blocks in starting something new- we are getting closer!
I have been thinking and thinking and over thinking after our call last week and I believe that's why I'm getting no where. I'm not making any steps or progress by just thinking... It's actually hindered my accountability for our action step for the week as well. I have not made any posts/stories because "I don't know" what to tell people what our Skool community is all about!
I was thinking about what is blocking me so much on this next step during my ride today (within Skool and my LC Biz, because that's not niched down totally either!) you and I are very similar here...
How is everyone else's action plan for the week coming along!? Any road blocks or set backs we can work through tomorrow on our call?!
Bryleigh Hansen
Silent Sunday
We support your goals in life's various dimensions through goal-setting, mutual accountability, mindset shifts, and personal growth and fitness focus.
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