Something Saturday!!
I hope everyone had an amazing week! - Today is Saturday, the last Saturday in April, wow...
Per the usual Saturday posts - what are you doing today FOR YOURSELF to get one tiny (or large) step closer to your goals?
Full transparency, I've had a little bit of a rough week mentally. I did a bodybuilding show last weekend and I lived this last week doing what I said I wouldn't. Binge eating. For some reason, I had lost all self control and went apeshit on the food consumption. It's wild. There is this thing body builders do after they are done with their show called 'reverse dieting'. You basically just slowly increase your calories back up week by week until you get to the weight you want to be at and then maintain from there. If you don't do this... you blow up and gain 10lbs in a week. Well... the body is nuts, I have gained 10lbs in a week because my self control near the end of each day this week went to zero. I've heard horror stories of the mental impact bodybuilders get to and I told myself I wouldn't get to that point and here I am.
The strangest part to me is that I hit my macros and calories perfectly to follow the plan and then 5-6pm rolls around and BAM, SNACK TIME! And when I say snack time.. it's a full meal in calories and BAM 10 lbs is here... in 7 days. 🤯 So, I've been a little hard on myself mentally because I'm not sure where the loss of self control came from, I've never had that before.
SO, for my Something Saturday, I have chosen to give myself grace. I sat with myself and talked through it. I worked so hard for 3-4 months for the show and I accomplished exactly what I wanted to that day. This week may have been off with food intake, but everything else was on point. I had productive work days, getting more accomplished than normal and I've had good days in the gym. So, today is all about being ok with my overeating and getting back on track and taking MY CONTROL back.
What are YOU doing for yourself today?!
Bryleigh Hansen
Something Saturday!!
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