Today is Tuesday 1/23/24 and I'm embarking on what I feel like is such a great experience to create a community of like-minded people who at the end of the day, just want to be happy, stress less and create a life they enjoy.
This community is meant to inspire you, challenge you, make you think and create an improved mindset, create habits, unlearn bad thought processes, make you laugh, challenge your body in quick challenges (this one will be fun!!) and last but not least, help you make new friends (we all know that's a hard task as an adult haha)
Everyone in this group will be uplifting and encouraging to all members who join and help celebrate everyone's small wins because celebrating the small wins are what helps boost motivation and excitement to wake up the next day and do it all again, but even BETTER!
Each week will have themes and I'm quite stoked on it honestly!🤩
Here they are:
-Max Monday's
-(ok, so Tuesday's are still in the works as what I want to call them, but rest assured this will be figured out by next week!)
-Wisdom Wednesday's
-Just a thought Thursday's
-Five minute Friday's
-Something Saturday's
-Silent Sunday's
There's your glimpse at what the future holds for the structure of the group and everything that's about to come!
Please participate and comment and do all the things to make this the best group it can possibly be!
Bryleigh Hansen
We support your goals in life's various dimensions through goal-setting, mutual accountability, mindset shifts, and personal growth and fitness focus.
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