No professional certifying body is actually helping you on this.
I've been in the coaching & training space for nearly 17 years now.
If there is one thing that frustrates me time and time again is when highly skilled coaches, who have a calling to help people are giving up.
Giving up after investing countless hours and huge chunks of money into their professional education, qualifications and certifications.
You are on this journey ready to change the world, and people don't seem to even notice you exist. And those who do, show their sympathy at best. So you might ask yourself "What am I missing?"
In reality, going back for another certification and hyper-specialization won't cut it.
Then there all the "Miracle Workers" (marketers) promising you to get [insert any amount of money] in 30 days or less.
But you and I know better. Every journey of growth requires a breakthrough AND applied experience. And that requires time. We need to stop treating personal and professional development like fastfood, just stuffing our belly, without any healthy nutrients for the body.
So, here's the main challenge.
Most coaches are refusing to accept they are not only a coach. They are entrepreneurs too.
As a matter of fact, you are first and Entrepreneur, only second a Coach.
If this triggers any spikes in your body, allow me to explain.
Can you be a coach without coaching anyone? No.
What comes first? The client or the coaching process? It's the client.
So which skillset comes first? The one attracting the client or the one delivering the service?
In order to be a coach, you need to be an Entrepreneur first. Or at least have an entrepreneurial mindset. Develop your business skills. STAND OUT and have people look for your help and assistance.
Only THEN you get to coach them.
This community is here for you when you are ready to not only accept your entrepreneur self, but ready to embrace it!
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