A cautionary tale: welcome your members!
One member bailed on my Skool writing group this afternoon.
Putting together the pieces, I'm 90% sure he left because I didn't reply to his post in which he introduced himself.
So I lost a member because I failed to make him feel welcome.
A real shame, because he was engaging well with the group and posting a fair bit.
Lesson learned! And one I wanted to share with you.
If you'll excuse me, I'm now off to check replies to the welcome post in THIS community. πŸ‘€πŸ˜„
P.S. To keep an eye on how many members are being churned (e.g. leaving or being removed/banned by you), hit the Members tab that sits above your community and then the Churn tab for the full list.
Jason Arnopp
A cautionary tale: welcome your members!
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