Are you asking the wrong questions?
It’s easy to fall into a victim mentality and not even know it. Often times in our lives, not just in Skool, we ask things like; “why is this happening to me?” Or “why am I not as successful as them?” “When will my community take off” “who can do this for me?”
These questions are almost demeaning to ourselves and we don’t realize it.
Try things like this instead:
“How can I do my job better today?”
“What can I do to get more leads?”
“How can I support others?”
“How can I drive more traffic”
Asking yourself the right questions can help you keep on track with a solid mental framework and not add stress. Asking “why me” type questions brings stress in your life. Instead ask “what” or “how” questions.
Weston Price
Are you asking the wrong questions?
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