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Inspire Action

Private • 79 • Free

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your entrepreneurship journey? Join us to take action, and finally see your biz succeed continually 🌈🚀

Moments of Manna

Private • 29 • $8/m

💫 Master using homeopathy for yourself, fam & animal friends while you ditch the holistic hamster wheel of BS.


2807 contributions to Skool Community
Let's Play the Worst Game Ever!!! (but i think you will love it)
I was driving into Ubud, to grab juicy vegan burger (no comments please), + I started thinking about this weird little game I play sometimes called: # "WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?" 🤔 Stay with me. So, let's say you join a new community (doesn't really matter which one). You're PUMPED, EXCITED, ready to make moves. You drop an intro post, maybe share a little about yourself or your business. Or ask a question, share a win, etc… Then what? Here is the FUN part! 🎉 What's the worst that could happen? 👉 CRICKETS. Nada. No engagement, no likes, no comments. ZERO interaction. Yeah, it sucks, but guess what? That's the WORST that could happen. You don't lose anything. Now, what's the BEST that could happen? 👉 You MEET someone. You make a NEW CONNECTION. A conversation starts and BAM—maybe it turns into a collaboration, a client, a friendship. The possibilities open up. Now, here's another scenario for ya… You join a community, but you DON'T introduce yourself. You keep quiet. You don't create a post. You sit back and watch. What's the worst that could happen? 👉 Uh, NOTHING. Literally nothing. F-all! What's the best that could happen? 👉 Still… NOTHING. Nobody knows you. Nobody sees you. You're INVISIBLE. Here's the thing - You have to GET YOURSELF OUT THERE to even have a shot at the best-case scenario. The worst case? You LEARN from it. You ADJUST. You MOVE FORWARD. It's not rocket science. START the conversation, CREATE the connection, and WATCH what happens. What's holding you back? Drop an intro. Create a post. Ask a question. ENGAGE. Because if you don't well I dont need to spell it out, you get my gist… Your move. 👊
New comment 3h ago
Let's Play the Worst Game Ever!!! (but i think you will love it)
1 like • 3h
Love it! Our minds love to overcomplicate things, this is an amazing way to squelch the mindfuckery at the root!
Market Research Strategy with Polls
Looking to try a market research post using a poll, aiming to get a sense of what my target audience knows currently. How can I improve this poll so they will take it? Poll Question: Have you ever heard of Regenerative Farming?
6 members have voted
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Market Research Strategy with Polls
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@Serenity Michelle a poll will give you more info, I prolly would go a slightly different route for ads though 😉 do you know who your ideal client is?
1 like • 3h
@Serenity Michelle so peeps that are knowledgeable about eating healthy food sourced locally… do they know that conventional organic isn’t as good as local grown non sprayed etc? Do you have a following on social media somewhere already?
How large is your social media following/audience?
Gathering some data to see where most people are at in their journey, how many followers do you have?
10 members have voted
New comment 3h ago
2 likes • 6h
I have 11k on insta, but that’s soley for my homeopathy homestead ish… the biz stuff I don’t have a following anywhere 🤪 the size of the following doesn’t matter, don’t let it stop you!
1 like • 3h
@Kevin Suarez Sabugo
Are you asking the wrong questions?
It’s easy to fall into a victim mentality and not even know it. Often times in our lives, not just in Skool, we ask things like; “why is this happening to me?” Or “why am I not as successful as them?” “When will my community take off” “who can do this for me?” These questions are almost demeaning to ourselves and we don’t realize it. Try things like this instead: “How can I do my job better today?” “What can I do to get more leads?” “How can I support others?” “How can I drive more traffic” Asking yourself the right questions can help you keep on track with a solid mental framework and not add stress. Asking “why me” type questions brings stress in your life. Instead ask “what” or “how” questions.
New comment 3h ago
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@Weston Price
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@Sarah Richardson homestead life is fun… a bunch of work, just like raising kids, but worth it!
What do you offer in your free community?
I have heard many say that they join a free space and it’s just solely a place where the creator is completely focused on sales for their higher ticket offers. Don’t. Do. That. Especially if you are just getting moving in your entrepreneurial gig 🤦🏻‍♀️ or you have a small community. You want peeps to feel amazed by the value and benefit they receive in your free space, which then organically leads to talking about how they can get more help, and you show them that this offering will give them even more… more support, more results, quicker turn around, and more revenue. Check this post out if you think value just more content and classroom 😉 👇🏻 What are your tips and tricks you use in your free space that aren’t smarmy, ball swinging tactics that create a great community vibe and also lead to more conversions to your paid spaces almost effortlessly? If you aren’t getting replies like this, it may be time to examine wtf you are actually doing and creating with your free space 😉
New comment 5h ago
What do you offer in your free community?
1 like • 7h
@Yahya Kazi amazing job dude!
0 likes • 5h
@Keenan Yoshikawa it def does and the money flows as a byproduct of the value you give with no expectation!
1-10 of 2,807
Sarah Hankins
6,208points to level up
Your playing small does not serve anything beyond keeping you stuck… time to dip your toe into the possibility of what’s to come 🌈

Active 2h ago
Joined Mar 25, 2024
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