Dead members - Keep or cull?
As the main school community reached 100,000 members today, it sparked thoughts about the value of such large numbers. While there's a sense of credibility in boasting 100,000 members, it seems less than 1% are actually active. In such a large community, maintaining all members might make sense. However, in a smaller group of 10-300 members, having less than 10% active can negatively impact your community.
While having a larger member count lends credibility, if new members join and discover that only a few people are actively engaged, it can lead to a disappointing experience. There's also the thought of keeping inactive members in the hope they'll return. However, I don't believe this is the right move for fostering a vibrant community.
I categorise inactive members in several ways: those who haven't accessed the platform for several weeks, those who aren't advancing on the leaderboard despite attempts to engage them via direct messages, and those who show no signs of activity.
I'd suggest letting paid members be. It's their choice to spend money without utilising the service, similar to an unused gym membership. They might be busy and could return later.
What should you do, then? 🤷‍♂️
Consider grabbing their emails and sending them 1-3 notices that they've been removed from the group. It could be the spark of FOMO needed to see what they are missing out on.
I'd love for you to check how many inactive members you have and let me know your plans for addressing this issue ☠️.
Kick them
Keep them
I can't decide
12 votes
Dave Heraud
Dead members - Keep or cull?
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