Aug 1 (edited) in Strategy
Do you allow space for boredom?
💭 If you don’t, maybe that’s why you are running into creative blocks…
🚀 Cause, just like having the safety net of basics covered give more innovation when building your biz, choosing to allow your brain a break tends to spur on creativity like none other.
🌈 As entrepreneurs creative flow is uber important… yet keeping yourself busy non stop, always pedal to the metal, and never allowing your brain space to “breathe” is a quick way to find yourself in a creative rut and gasping at straws trying to force it.
🌊 Don’t do that to yourself. Sometimes it truly is just making a simple change to open the flood gates.
👇🏻 What’s your fav way to create space and get those creative juices flowing??
You don’t have to sit and twiddle your thumbs, you could go on walks in nature, do something like washing dishes.. but quiet your mind and be in the present moment don’t hash out all the ish you need to get done later etc… creative thoughts even happen for me while I’m driving if I choose to allow it 😂
Sarah Hankins
Do you allow space for boredom?
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