FREE GROUP ➡️ 2-HR. WEBINAR 💥 $12,998
I’m so excited about this win! 🏆 It was 3 months in the making, and I’d be happy to share a video about how I did it—just let me know below if you’d like it!
First off, this isn’t a fluke or some fly-by-night situation. This is a real win, earned through hard work!
I’ve been on Skool since last year. I joined a few paid groups, and shortly after, I created my FREE group.
I believed in the FREE group so much that I’ve poured my heart into it, engaging with the community and building relationships where people know I truly care about them.
I created a genuine SPACE for people to gather, get quick wins, and keep coming back. I didn’t try to sell to them right away, nor did I quit after the initial excitement of a new group wore off (which is common after just a few months).
My mindset was one of research and obsessive community building. For the first several months, I was the only one posting, but I really loved it and believed in what I was creating.
Don’t let anyone tell you that a FREE group is free of work—it’s not. In fact, it’s harder work than my paid groups and programs combined. Your mindset needs to be one of service and long-term commitment because it will pay off!
I decided to approach it as an experiment, rather than a “if people aren’t buying, I’m not putting time into this” situation.
I saw it as a way to build my email list and create a live, interactive space where people not only joined but engaged with me, my teaching style, and the community vibe.
It’s a long-term game.
After a while, I created a free bundle of mini-courses and products, and launched my first FB ads to it, thanks to someone I met here in this group!
Were leads converting right away? No. Was that discouraging at first? Yes. BUT I was advised to give it a few months and see!
Then I moved my other community over to Skool with my buyers, and they not only loved Skool but energized my free community with engagement!
I also created a monthly contest for the top 5 leaderboard winners to meet me and do some goal setting, and it turns out my most engaged leads were there PLUS my paying clients, which proved to be powerful.
Every event offered 1.5 - 2 hours of FREE value.
For the last 3 months, I dedicated myself to building and launching a free private training for accepted applicants. I shut down all other distractions, spent less time scrolling, and got to work. I even hired someone to accelerate my backend tech processes.
No sales calls. All DM closings, with high-ticket conversions.
And this week, because I believed in my FREE group, stuck with the process, and didn’t let nearly a year of few conversions or lack of instant gratification set me back, I achieved this incredible milestone!
I can honestly say I enjoy every moment of connecting with my FREE group and serving my clients in my paid programs.
This is a HUGE win for me—both with Skool and personally with this new strategy!
I’m looking forward to sharing more about it soon!!! 🤩
PS. I posted this in one of my paid communities, and many people got a lot of value from it, so I'm posting it here!
Marisa Pell
FREE GROUP ➡️ 2-HR. WEBINAR 💥 $12,998
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