Dear Skool admins who want cash flow,
I just hit $25,000/month with my Skool Paid Community teaching people how to spot business ideas and use internet audiences/community to power customer acquisition. I thought I'd share my biggest lesson learned with the community.
One lesson learned has been turning my paid community into more of a membership. You arent just paying for access to the community but you get peer groups, content, software, 50k+ worth of deals, monthly research with startup ideas worth doing etc.
The more we became a membership, the more our churn went down and word-of-mouth went up.
See the attached image for what I believe the future of community is. And the beauty is Skool is such a good foundation for this membership-based future. Love it.
I'd love to see more product features building towards this vision. I dont doubt its happening! I'm loving Skool.
Keep at it folks,