5d ago in Strategy
I run ads profitable to my $59/month skool about page (real cost of avoiding ads)
Celebrating being profitable month 1 with my ads directly to skool (yes the about page, no bridge page) with this post 🎉
I know everyone is afraid of running ads because... what if I can't make my money back?
I want to give you the #1 most powerful reframe that will help you instantly become a better advertiser.
The primary goal of running ads is NOT to make sales.
The primary goal is to buy yourself data so you can stop tapping in the dark and make decisions about your price, offer, messaging, and overall business without relying on your "gut instinct".
Many people can't find product-market fit or figure out what's not working for years.
Great ideas are thrown out because they didn't have the right eyeballs on them.
Terrible ideas are pursued for years, with so much money, time, and energy put into them. People keep holding on because of the sunk cost fallacy when, with ads, they could have found out in 2-3 months that they never had a chance.
This is why I recommend starting to run ads early.
You can (and should) even focus on list growth first so you have an audience to remarket to. If the offer you then try to sell with a sales campaign optimized for purchase (yes, traffic gets you nothing and nowhere) shows you that you need to pivot, you'll have that audience ready.
Yes, you might "lose" a few hundred dollars.
But how much time are you losing running around like a headless chicken?
How much money are you losing buying courses where another headless chicken is telling you their gut instinct-based decision, and you eat it up because they got lucky once and don't even know why?
You need to test things, find the data, and make decisions based on the actions you've taken.
Based on your business and vision.
Ads are the tool.
I believe it's still the single best opportunity we have.
And yes, Meta is terrible, and yes, I also got restricted accounts and hacked and can't talk to someone although I spent multiple 7-figures for myself and clients on the platform.
It doesn't matter.
Every opportunity has advantages and downsides.
The opportunity outweighs the downsides.
And the big opportunity is targeted, benchmarkable market insight at the push of a few buttons... not sales.
That comes later... Quicker if you leverage ads.
PS: My winning ad is a video walkthrough of my classroom
Evelyn Weiss
I run ads profitable to my $59/month skool about page (real cost of avoiding ads)
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