Manychat Instagram Issue - Don't make this mistake 👎
Hey all,
So I came across a bug last night with a manychat automation from Instagram that was directing to my skool group.
Had a peice of content that was advising users on IG to comment "free" to then trigger the DM automation and for some reason Instagram is throttling this choice of word and not letting comments pass through.
These comments arn't registering on Manychats end either so is be getting stopped on the Instagram side. The comment counter number keeps increasing but the comments arn't visable to myself the post maker or anyone in the public domain, yet the counter still rises.
We did a double test of this with 2 random accounts, they both commented "Free" (my tigger word) and they would show for the users side but not on the public side. However if they made the word longer with extra "e"s (FREEEE for example) it would then bypass whatever filter Instagram has applied and activate the trigger.
Complete nightmare to be honest and on a launch post was really not ideal as now have about 60 comments just floating in limbo with no access to them with potential customers thinking ive ignored them.
Instagram clearly stopping certain words if it believes it hits a spam or abusive meaning so just be EXTRA careful with your choice of trigger words. Didn't think "FREE" would be an issue but here we are
Don't make the same mistake I did 👎
Reece Evans
Manychat Instagram Issue - Don't make this mistake 👎
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