Skool almost lost me!
Hi, Dee here…new Skooler (and true skooler) just trying to live my best neurodivergent life and empower other women to do the same. To learn more about Skool, I did what most folks do, went to the University of YouTube!
The first 5 or 6 (maybe more) videos were people comparing other community-building tools to Skool, and of course…saying don’t use Skool. I even checked out a few, and the comments echoed the same. Most of these videos were 4–7 months old (some even older), and while they had valid points, they also seemed to come from a place of frustration about switching to skool only to find out it had limitations they didn't expect.
Then, I found ONE recent video with someone saying, ‘Skool has improved a lot, check it out.’ That comment was in the last few weeks. If I were brand-new to this kind of community-building journey, I might have walked away...continuing the platform shuffle. But, having tried a few different platforms before landing at skool, I knew every platform has a learning curve. I'm glad to see that Sam and his team made some major improvements and upgrades to meet the needs (he created what HE needed, and being a user of your own product matters).
I share all this because I’ve noticed (in myself and my clients) that sometimes the urge to ‘platform shuffle’ isn’t about the platform itself, it’s about the fear and overwhelm that creep in right before a breakthrough. When it gets tough, pause and ask yourself:
• Is this platform really the issue, or am I feeling resistance because I’m close to something big?
• What do I really need from a community tool to make it work for me?
• How will switching platforms affect my momentum and focus on what I’m trying to build?
Sometimes, the best growth happens when we work through the discomfort. Stick with it, be open to learning, and remember that progress is better than perfection. If you’re here, you’re on the right path.
That's it...that's all. 🤘🏽
Develda Edgington
Skool almost lost me!
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