Skool Speedrunners Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen…. IT’S TIMEEEEEE!
The 100 Skool Speedrunners challenge kicks off tomorrow.
Out of thousands of applicants, 100 Speedrunners have been emailed an exclusive invite to join the challenge. During this challenge I'll be helping these people rapidly grow their Skool business with what we've seen to be the best model.
For those who didn’t get an email, the good news is you're not out of the game. Over the next 90 days, I'll be sharing everything we learn. This isn’t just about the chosen 100—this is about lifting everyone up.
All data and results will be made public. So even if you're not in the initial 100, you're part of this.
You are invited to challenge yourself and Speedrun alongside us.
Andrew Kirby
Skool Speedrunners Announcement
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