The Boolean Rule
A binary variable, having two possible values called “true” and “false.”
Wtf does that mean, and why am I bringing up?
When I started my online business I made VAGUE offers to a VAGUE group of people promising to solve a VAGUE problem.
I made no money.
When I promised a specific person a specific outcome, marketing and sales became easier because the offer was more attractive, and customers were more happy because it was obvious when the outcome was fulfilled.
Boolean offer examples:
Before: "To get in shape"
After: "To bench 225lbs"
Before: "To beat bad habits"
After: "To never smoke a cigarette again"
Before: "To reach their goals and fulfil their dreams"
After: "To get a girlfriend in 90 days"
Before: "To fix their sales problems"
After: "To get a 35% close rate"
Before: "To beat procrastination"
After: "To get 4 hours of flow state per day"
Before: "To feel more fit and healthy"
After: "To feel zero lower back pain"
Before: "To overcome addiction"
After: "To completely stop drinking alcohol"
Before: "To improve themselves"
After: "To meditate, read, and journal everyday for 90 days"
Before: "To make more money
After: "To add $3,000/month in profit"
Andrew Kirby
The Boolean Rule
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