Write something
-We now have enough content to go public with this group, courses are being updated continually. -We will be doing community calls Sunday 7am and 7pm Atlantic Standard Time, God willing. -Courses are being locked, you need to participate in the community to level up and unlock courses. -This will become a payed community, for a limited time of $30 USD. (It looks like everyone already in here should have it for free by default, at least for this month)
Change the world
What's the purpose of self improvement? Is it to get an aesthetic body, wealth, and girls? Ultimately, who cares? We will likely be losing our wealth soon. Our bodies will decay in only a few decades. Ultimately self improvement is about striving for the sake of Allah, not even just to better yourself, but to make a difference in the world. There's a battle between good and evil coming. The purpose is to be prepared for a future world that is going to be hard, where you won't have money in the bank and fast food down the street and your family will depend on you. It's for the families being torn apart by modernity. It's for all the children that are becoming porn addicts. It's because of children being so confused they don't even know what gender they are. It's for children being sex trafficked. It's because of all the people turning to drugs and suicide out of desperation because of nihilism and modernity. It's for the millions of people killed around the world by tyrants. This is all happening on our watch, and unless men take action, nothing will change. "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing" Edmund Burke
Courses are not yet complete but are continually being updated and revised, don't forget to check periodically.
Superficial Self Improvement
I see some Muslim men falling for a superficial form of self improvement. Self improvement (I dont even like using the phrase at this point) isn't merely about your nofap streaks, building an aesthetic body for the sake of it, or becoming an entrepreneur so you can buy a Bugatti and call other men "brokies". This isn't sustainable, and is just another manifestation of materialism which isn't masculine at all. It needs to be much more meaningful, much deeper, and any of the superficial stuff is a byproduct.
New comment Jan 20
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Conquer Modernity
Wake up to the lies of Modernity, join other men on the same journey, improve and become a man of virtue; and we'll conquer Modernity God willing.
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