7d ago (edited) in Introductions!
[New Members - Start Here]
First off, I am super excited to see you here!
This community is about understanding your customers and their ideal outcomes and creating an engaging content strategy that adds value! I call it the Hero Mission Strategy.
Please introduce yourself in the Introductions! category.
Use this template for intros:
Where you are from:
Let us know who you are:
  • Master Mind (in charge of strategy)
  • The Executor (the one creating the content)
  • The Beneficiary (the person getting value out of the created content)
  • Its a Mix of...
What will your content help readers achieve?
Where do you need help:
Something you love to do for fun:
To get started, take the White Noise Session course. I will be asking you to do White Noise Sessions occasionally, so it's an important exercise to understand.
I added my BORRAT Project Builder as a tool you can use to develop larger projects. We use this tool at our agency to keep all our departments aligned on a common goal. I thought you might find it handy.
The Hero Builder will get you thinking about what type of prospects you should be talking to and what motivates them. Take that one as soon as possible and start building your first Hero!
If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to contact me.
I am here to help you succeed in your content efforts!
Robb Luther
[New Members - Start Here]
Hero Mission
Hero Mission: Master the art and science of creating engaging content and delivering results. Collaborate, learn, and innovate!
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