Private group
6 members
Design your scale ready group program and 10x your impact and revenue potential!
Imagine running a thriving group program that consistently delivers transformative results whether you have 10 or 100 clients all while spending just 3 to 5 hours each week on client delivery.
Friend, you're brilliant at what you do. A magician in fact. Your clients love your work, and they're getting results. You pour your heart into tailoring content, providing personalized attention, and supporting their journey every step of the way.
You're providing so much support it's a little bit like 1:1, am I right?!
The constant pinging of notifications from Voxer, an inbox full of feedback requests, Loom videos to record, resources to create in Canva, your Facebook group to manage…it's taking it's toll.
Which is why I created RELAUNCH, the 5 day program re-design bootcamp, so that you can scrap the 1:1 vibes and design a HIGH IMPACT AND SCALABLE group program!
Design your scale ready group program and 10x your impact and revenue!
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