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Welcome to our Dashboard & Automation Academy! We're all about equipping entrepreneurs—like you—with everything you need to know about dashboards and automations... To help you streamline your business, build solid systems, and scale to 7-8 figures. First things first: Introduce yourself :) I'll go first... I'm Lim, and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I run two companies: a tutoring agency that I scaled to seven figures, and another one is a dashboard & automation agency to help other agencies do the same. What about you? 🌍 Where are you from? 👨‍💻 What's your current project? 🤝 Need any help with anything? **To keep the feed tidy, kindly refrain from starting a new post to introduce yourself. Next up: Dive into how to access all the classroom resources! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's how to shine in this community: 🤝 Spread kindness. 🚀 Share insights and thoughtful comments to grow. 💪 Stuck on something? The community's here to help you out. 👍 Boost others by giving a thumbs-up to helpful posts or comments.
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Dashboard & Automation Academy
Learn Dashboards & Automation. We hope this group offers insane value for you to unlock biz potential, build solid systems & scale to 7-8 figures 🔥🚀
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